Volunteer with the BQC

BQC is a nonprofit organization led entirely by volunteers.

BQC Volunteers

The BQC is a volunteer-run organization and we are happy that you would like to be a part of it. The BQC has several areas of activities including the BQC Community Center where greeters staff the center, may host games nights, and other volunteers may lead Affinity groups or Wellness groups. We do outreach via booths at events, tabling at orientations on campuses or community centers, and holding events that may be dances or alternative holiday gatherings.

Other volunteers are involved in special projects or development. As you can see there are many was to be involved.  One's areas of interest and need for flexibility may help guide the choice of how to be involved. Greeter and Affinity groups have a set schedule, whereas events and outreach schedules vary.

Community Center Greeter

As a greeter, you open and close the center, welcome groups and guests, manage check in, support the affinity group leaders with set up, provide resource navigation, help tidy and maintain an overall welcoming atmosphere.

Tabling and outreach

These volunteers attend community events in and around Bellingham representing the BQC in spreading awareness of our community and mission. Outreach volunteers need to be able to transport themselves to events throughout the community.

Want to learn more about volunteering? Complete this interest form

Affinity group Leader

These volunteers help coordinate, host, and lead our affinity groups. Affinity groups are small group gatherings of people with common identities or interests such as fiber arts, writing, book clubs, trans-masc non-binary, and latine groups. New groups can form during the year.


These volunteers help organize and put on our two large ‘friend-raising” events; Bellingham Erotic Ball and Spring Dance. They also help with other special events such as Pride Parade float and participation, Advocacy Through Arts, First Friday Art Walk, Downtown Trick or Treating, and other opportunities that arise during the year.